Smart Lot

  • Created an application that allows Amazon Alexa users to reserve parking spots and synchronizes data across all users
  • Developed a RESTful controller that collects sensor data from a model parking lot and Amazon Alexa's voice commands to update a JSON file
  • Implemented features using the Flask framework in Python
  • Won 1st in the IoT category of the 2018 AT&T Hackathon

Trip Planner

  • Wrote an algorithm in Python that minimizes travel distance and time when users enter any activities, and outputs an itinerary
  • Implemented back-end features by using the Django framework, and front-end features by using React.js


  • Developed an Android app that tests a medical patient’s health literacy, and automatically sends the data to the doctor for clearer communication and better treatment
  • Won the 2015 RU Ideathon for the top 4 best ideas

Traffic Sign Detector

  • Designing a machine learning application using OpenCV for image-capture and Brian2 for neural-simulations to recognize street signs